Cancer Care with emphasis on early detection and screening has been Navoothan' s core working sector since inception. Since 2009 we have been conducting Cancer screening and detection camps in collaboration with leading Cancer Care providers like Delhi State Cancer Institute, Max Hospitals and Regional Cancer Center, Trivandrum in various parts of Delhi and Kerala.
Most of our camps were organized in rural areas and underprivileged slum areas. We have been providing free treatment and free medicines to many camp attendees and have adopted several destitute cancer patients and are sponsoring their treatment in Delhi State Cancer Institute.
Mrs. Antony is an accomplished artist and majority of her proceeds from her painting sales also is spent on NCF Cancer Care Projects. In 2015, NCF has launched a Cancer screening and detection mobile unit. The Unit has state of the art medical devices including a mammogram, X-ray, biopsy and CR machines along with other screening and detection facilities and has the capacity to operate in any remote part of the country. NCF has also tied up with a leading insurance provider in the country who gives low cost insurance services to our camp attendees.
Navoothan Foundation Cancer screening and detection camp conducted at United Arts and Sports Club Ground , Valiyathura, Trivandrum on March 8th 2019, International Women's Day.
NCF cancer detection and awareness camp on World Cancer Day, February 4th, 2018 at Trivandrum Pettah School. Dr Thomas Mathew, Principal, Medical College , Trivandrum inaugurated the camp. Also present was Dr Roshinara Begum, Nuclear medicines.
NCF team and volunteers after the cancer Detection camp at SN school ,Chembazhanti on 5/2/2018. Dr MV Pillai, Professor at Thomas Jefferson University and President / CEO of International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research inaugurated the program. Dr Srijith, IMA was also present.
NCF cancer awareness camp, Gandhibhavan, Pathanapuram, Kerala (4/11/2017).
NCF cancer awareness and breast cancer prevention camp at Christ Nagar School , Trivandrum (26/10/2017).
NCF breast cancer awareness and mammogram camp at 2 JM Road on 8/10/2017.
NCF cancer awareness and screening camp registration desk at 2 JM Road on the 4th of June, 2017.
With our medical team during the Cancer Camp at Jantar Mantar Road , New Delhi on 22nd April , 2017.
NCF cancer screening and detection camp for women in collaboration with Divya Chaya Trust and Inner Wheel Club of Delhi at Shahpur Jat , Delhi on February 4th , world cancer day.
Cancer screening and detection camp ,Vanita Vedi , Trivandrum 24/11/2016.
NCF - IBreastExam breast cancer screening and detection camp at Technopark , Trivandrum , Kerala on 16/11/2016.
Health workers training in clinical breast screening with IBreastExam device conducted jointly by Navoothan Foundation and BioCon Foundation @ Palakkad , Kerala on 9/11/2016.
Our team at the NCF - BioCon Foundation screening and detection camp at Army Cantonment General Hospital , New Delhi in WHO breast cancer month , October 2016.
NCF along with Max Hospital and several other NGOs working for Cancer causes participated in the PINK ( the Ribbon & colour of Breast cancer ) RAAHGIRI movement .
Completion of the formal training in the operation of NoTouch BreastScan , a highly portable breast cancer screening device created by iBreastExam by NCF core paramedical team members.
Mrs.Elizabeth Antony with Head of Delhi State Cancer Institute , Dr RK Grover and our adopted patients of the month of July 2016. Every month NCF adopts 15 destitute cancer patients paying their daily living expenses . We have been doing this regularly for the last 5 years.
Felicitating Surg. Capt Subhas Ranjan , Sr. Advisor , medical and oncology , Army R&R; Hospital aftter the May Day 2016 Cancer awareness lecture , Shalimar Garden , UP.
Registration counter at the May Day 2016 Cancer screening and detection camp, Shalimar Garden , UP.
NCF Volunteers and medical team on the May Day 2016 event held in association with Shalimar Garden Malayalee Welfare Association
Cancer screening and detection camp at Canara Bank , Trivandrum
Cancer screening and detection camp at Canara Bank , Trivandrum
Cancer screening and detection camp at Trivandrum prison , (Women's cell)
Cancer screening and detection camp at Cochin , Kerala
Hon. Health Minister of Kerala , VS Shivakumar with Mrs. Elizabeth Antony at Cancer detection camp , Trivandrum
Cancer screening and detection camp at Army Cantt Hospital, Delhi on World Cancer Day 2016
NCF - YouWeCan foundation cancer camp in Alipur , Haryana .
NCF - YouWeCan foundation cancer camp in Alipur , Haryana .
NCF - YouWeCan foundation cancer camp in Alipur , Haryana .
NCF - YouWeCan foundation cancer camp in Alipur , Haryana .
First Screening and detection camp of mobile unit at Faridabad St. Peter's Mass Center
Recently launched Mobile Screening and Detection Unit
Chief Justice of India H'ble HL Dattu inaugurating the mobile screening and detection center on 8th July 2015
H'ble Chief Justice of India inside the mobile screening and detection unit
Screening and detection camp in Delhi State Cancer Institute on International Women's day, 2015
NCF and Government of Kerala launching �CHECK� � ' Citizen's Health Empowerment Campaign Kerala' on the 8th November at Indian Medical Association Millennium Meet. Mrs. Antony on stage with H�ble Chief Minister of Kerala Sri. Oommen Chandy and other dignitaries of the medical community.
Mrs. Antony with medical and paramedical volunteers after a screening and detection camp
Christmas Choir and Christmas celebrations at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Center
Screening and detection camp at Rohini, Delhi
Screening and detection camp at Springdale school, Delhi
Screening and detection camp at Rohini, Delhi
Screening and detection camp for war widows at Pangode Army Camp, Trivandrum
Donation of Rs. 1,00,000 to RCC, Trivandrum
Donation of Rs. 1,00,000 to Delhi State Cancer Institute
Donation of Rs, 2,50,000 to RCC, Trivandrum
Donation of Rs. 1,00,000 to Indian Cancer Society
On World Cancer Day (February 4th), NCF cancer screening and detection camp that was held at Nedumangad Venad Hospital, Trivandrum